
Masato Ooyama (b. 1958) from Tokyo, Japan is a sound artist who mostly works as a collaborator via mail-art. Member of the reformed Kluster since 2007, with Conrad Schnitzler and Michael Thomas Roe. They have released 3 albums so far, "The Global Playing" in 2007, "The ThreeOlympicCitiesMix" in 2008 and "Bla Bla Bla" in 2009. On his own words "1) there is a stimulation, 2) sounds turn into music, 3) the music goes back to sounds", he describes how he comes up with a work. His sonic material could be "a pretty noise, an ignominious noise, a twisted bleep, a digital error, a poor field recording, a dried-out voice". He loves "good-for-nothing sounds". He collects sound, edits and processes it - this is how he "draws" sounds